Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Harun Aziz kan senang......

Mmg sah Aaron Aziz ni popular. Hari ni waktu BI Tahun 3, topiknya ialah occupation. The boys were suppose to write the name of a popular singer and actor/actress. Satheeswaran came to write the name of a popular singer...guess what, of all the singers, dia tulis P. Ramlee. Oklah....then bila Sachel Ayden turn to write a popular actor or actress....everybody were shouting...."Aaron Aziz". Semua org kenal dia rupanya....cuma sadly they didn't know how to spell his name. Tulah....kalau letak Harun kan senang....ni, dibelasahnya ngeja, Aoran...ha, ambik kau.

Pregnant Lagi Ke????????

Upon seeing me on my way to surau tis afternoon, an Indian secondary boy said "Careful teacher.Watch your step. Remember you are pregnant. You need to look after your baby"......and I was like "huuuh. Bilalah plak aku mengandung ni. X tahu pun".....but looking at his face, he was genuinely concerned. Oklah play along ajelah...."ooh....I will. Thank you". Adoii....FYI, I'm not pregnant. I was having back pain or sakit pinggang....I dunno. If the pain persist, then they'll x-ray me. Funny coz the way I walk is actually akin to people in confinement bukan people anyg pregnant. But one thing for sure, the boys at the school sgt2lah gentlemannya. Everybody was asking how I was doing, why I didn't take longer MC and if they can help me with anything. Auuuww guys...u all melt my heartlah.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Alahai Kembar Mama......

Dah sampai boiling point dia agaknya. Sampai je kat rumah ptg tadi, as usual budak kembar aka reporter CNN memberikan detailed report of their day. Dedek :"Mama, Dedek dah angkat tgn dah, tapi cikgu x panggil pun suruh jawab." Kak Amber: "Mama, Kak Amber dpt hadiah pasal betul jwb kuiz kat assembly tadi". Dedek masih tak puas hati :"Dedek dah angkat tgn dah, diorang panggil Kak Amber plak. Dedek tak pernah pun kena panggil. Asyik Kak Amber aje". Alahai kesiannya dgn Dedek. Guess this is one of the heartache of having a twin sister. Peeps tend to forget u coz bila they saw u, they'll go "Eh bukan ke tadi dia ni dah jwb n dpt hadiah. Pggl org lain pulak lah." This is if peeps don't know you have a twin. Or for those who know, usually they will think that since yr twin had already answered n won, so u tak boleh jwblah. Satu family satu peluang. They failed to look at you as 2 different individuals. Mama :"Tak apa Dedek, nanti Mama belikan hadiah utk Dedek, ok." Kak AMber:"Nak jugak." Dah pulak.....Kak AMber mmg cepat, tangkas dan tepat.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Flower Bouquet


Photo: Encore......

SUPER EJAAZ....all set to save the world!

It's a bird, It's a plane....it's SUPER EJAAZ.

Photo: It's a bird, It's a plane....it's SUPER EJAAZ.

Able to destroy things in second, faster than Mummy....

Photo: Able to destroy things in second, faster than Mummy....

All set to save the world this weekend......1st stop will be @ Eagle Ranch Resort PD. Mission....to save all those corporate men n women from boredoooom.

Photo: All set to save the world this weekend......1st stop will be @ Eagle Ranch Resort PD. Mission....to save all those corporate men n women from boredoooom.

Mission #2 @ Mak Andak's house......it's fried chicken day. SUPER EJAAZ luv fried chicken.....

SIkit2 Lama-Lama Jadi Bukit?????

Cikgu : Sarvin, nyanyi lagu Negaraku.
Sarvin : CIkku, saya hafal sikit2.
Cikgu : Oklah, Lagu WIlayah.
Sarvin: Itupun sikit2 Cikku.
Cikgu :Hish awak ni....nyanyi lagu sekolah lah kalau mcm tu.
Sarvin : Maaf CIkku, itu lagu saya tau sikit2 jugak.
Cikgu : Semua pun sikit2. Sikit lagilah markah kalau mcm ni. Bilalah nak pass, asyik gagal aje.

Cikgu Nyanyi Cam AIshwarya Rai....adoiiii terluka hati Cikgu.

CIkgu : Ok murid2, harini Cikgu nak ajar lagu Tanah Pusaka. Awk dgr, lepas ni awk pulak nyanyi.
Murid2 : Ok Cikku.
Cikgu : "Sungguh gemilang negriku, Yg kupuja, Oh Tanahairku. Diiiii....."
Mitilan : Kih, Kih, KIh....
Cikgu : Apa yg kelakar sgt tu Mitilan.
Mitilan: Cikku nyanyi sangat scary....mcm lagu hantu.
CIkgu : Amboiii...sah2 markah adab akhir tahun awak dpt 1 mcm ni. Yg lain kalau nak dpt 1 silalah gelak. Kalau nak 4...diam dan dengar aje.
Kogilan : Cikku nyanyi best...
Cikgu : Haa...Kogilan cikgu akan bagi awak 4 markah.
Rishi Yank : Cikku nyanyi st best mcm itu Aishwarya Rai.
Cikgu : Kalau nak bodek Rishi, agak2lah. Yg nyanyi tu bkn AIshwarya tapi Lata Mangeshkar. Sah2 suara Aishwarya x sedap, kalau x mesti diorang suruh dia nyanyi. Markah adab 1.....cuba lagi lain kali.

Monday, July 2, 2012

What I did Last Week....

Get Lost Mrri....

Teacher : Mri, don't sit near me....go back to yr place.
Mrishalen: Y teacher?
Teacher : Coz u said I'm ancient. Go away...I mean get lost.
N he went around the class like searching for something.
Teacher : Mri...what r u doing?
Mrishalen: Y teacher...u asked me to get lost. I'm lost now n am searching for my way out.....

I'm ancient ke angel????

Kajanes : Teacher, Thoorgesh said u look like an angel.
Teacher : Awww...thanks Thoorgesh.
Mrishalen: Y teacher thanked him....he said u look ancient.
Teacher : Haaa!!! Thoorgesh, what did u say?
Kajanes : He said u look like an angel lah teacher.
Teacher: MRRRRRRIII.....

Baby E's corner